Sewer and Pressure Sewer Connections

Council manages and supplies customers with essential sewer services in Singleton, Glenridding, Singleton Heights, The Pinnacle, Hunterview and Darlington. The Maison Dieu area is connected to a pressure sewerage system servicing industrial and residential customers.  

When is a Sewer Connection Required?

New connections to sewer supply areas are subject to entitlement, approval and payment of charges as applicable. It is mandatory to connect to Council provided sewerage infrastructure if your property falls within the defined boundary of the service supply area. If your property is vacant and falls within the sewer service supply area, the fixed residential sewerage discharge annual fee is payable. This amount is set annually via Council’s Operational Plan and Revenue Policy.

Connections might occur as a consequence of:

  • New dwellings in developed areas; or
  • At the request of a customer to replace on-site systems (newly connected villages or where private works to connect to the system is approved); or
  • Connections made under the direction of Council to replace an on-site sewer system.

The type and location of the connection to Council’s sewer system is at the discretion of Council. Council will not permit sewer connections to rising sewer mains.

Sewer Connection Requests

Connection to Council’s sewer network is made in accordance with section 68 of the Local Government Act 1993 (NSW). Typically, sewer connection will be made at the time of development and considered as part of the Certificate of Compliance process. 

To make application, please submit a Sewer Connection Request to or return to Council’s Administration Building by post or in person.

When submitting your request, please attach a Sewer Location Plan identifying the proposed sewer connection location. Not submitting this information may result in delays in processing or rejection of the request.

Please refer to Council's Fees and Charges to view current sewer connection fees.

Pressure Sewer System Requests

Council has a pressure sewer system operating at a number of locations across Singleton where gravity sewer is not able to provide sewer services to properties, due to terrain or other constraints. The Maison Dieu area is connected to a pressure sewer system and services residential and industrial customers. If the property is within the area serviced by the pressure sewer system, all new developments must connect the pressure sewer system to treat its wastewater. 

Application to install a pressure sewer system is a three-part process and is required prior to the issue of a Construction Certificate. To apply for a pressure sewer system on your property:

1. Complete and submit a Pressure Sewer System Application to Applications must include site plan and proposed floor plan; the site plan must show the location of the proposed pressure sewer unit including the alarm/control panel, pressure service lines, power supply, meter box and power lines from the meter to the alarm panel and pressure sewer unit in relation to the Lot and proposed residence or structure.

2. Council’s Water and Sewer Team will conduct a site visit, investigate any site issues, prepare, and issues the: 

  • Pricing Schedule (include the price of the required unit plus any additional costs for site works such as design, difficult terrain, or any additional work);
  • General Terms and Conditions;
  • Installation, Maintenance and Service Agreement; and
  • Any changes to the proposed location of the pressure sewer system.  

Sign and return the Installation, Maintenance and Service Agreement and confirm the proposed location of the pressure sewer system components. On receipt, Council’s Water and Sewer Team will execute the agreement, stamp the plans and issue an invoice for the quoted amount.

3. Once payment has been made in full, Council’s Water and Sewer Team will liaise with the applicant to plan the installation of the system in accordance with the Site Location Plan supplied. This is generally not until the build is at lock up stage to avoid damage to the pressure sewer tank unit during construction.

Once installation is complete Council’s Water and Sewer Team will organise for the annual maintenance fees to be raised against the property. The first year will be set on a pro-rata basis, and these are issued with the Rates Notice annually.

Additional information on how pressure sewer systems work can be found here.

Disconnection of Sewer Services

Customers no longer requiring an existing sewer connection or seeking relocation, the disconnected service must be cut off and capped by a licensed plumber to prevent water or soil entering the system.

Customers should ensure that the connection pipe is cut off as deep in the ground as is practical to avoid being damaged by future landscaping or building works, in accordance with the relevant Plumbing and Drainage standards.

Annual fixed sewer access charges will still apply for sewer supply services, as the service remains available, even though they may not necessarily be used.

Disconnection from deep sewer mains (greater than 1.5m deep) are to be undertaken by Council staff and/or Council approved contactors, refer to POL/26031 Sewer Service Policy for details.