Certificate of Compliance

Singleton Council is a Local Water Utility under the Water Management Act 2000 (NSW). Council is responsible for identifying any potential impacts to Council's water and/or sewer infrastructure and to ensure the appropriate measures are implemented to control or eliminate those impacts. 

If a proposed development within Council's water and sewer supply area will impact water and/or sewer infrastructure, the application will be assessed by Council's Water and Sewer Development Team in accordance with the requirements of section 305, 306 and 307 of the Water Management Act 2000 (NSW) and associated regulations.

How do I apply for a s307 Certificate of Compliance?

All developments within Singleton Council’s Water and Sewer Supply area requires the lodgement of a Building Plan Assessment Application. This application will be assessed by Council’s Water and Sewer Development Team to determine any potential impacts on Council’s Water and/or Sewer Infrastructure. Once assessed, Building Plan Assessment Advice will be issued and will identify if lodgement of a Section 305 Application for a Section 307 Certificate of Compliance is required.  

Once Council advice has been received, a s305 Application for a s307 Certificate of Compliance can be submitted. Once the application has been received, Council’s Water and Sewer Development Team will process the application. Payment of the s306 Notice of Requirements application fee will be required prior to the application being assessed by Water and Sewer Development Engineer. 

Please refer to Council's Fees and Charges to view current application fees.


What do the different Sections mean?

Below outlines the different sections of the Water Management Act 2000 (NSW).

Section 305 (s305): The s305 Application for a s307 Certificate of Compliance is the initial Application Form submitted to Council. The application form outlines all necessary information on the proposed development which will help to determine the s306 conditions.

Section 306 (s306): The s306 Notice of Requirements outlines the conditions which need to be met by the developer in order to obtain the s307 Certificate of Compliance. It will also identify the section 64 Developer Charges and/or additional fees required for the development.

Section 307 (s307): The s307 Certificate of Compliance is the final certificate issued once all conditions outlined in the s306 Notice of Requirements have been met. Once a s307 Certificate of Compliance has been issued, Council's Planning and Environmental Services Team will be able to issue the Developments Occupation Certificate or Subdivision Certificate assuming all other Development Application conditions outlined in the Notice of Determination have been met. 


What is the s307 Certificate of Compliance process?

  1. The developer/applicant will submit a s305 Application for a s307 Certificate of Compliance
  2. Council will process the application and issue application fee payment advice.
  3. The developer/applicant will contact Singleton Council’s Customer Service Team on T 02 6578 7290 to make payment.
  4. The Water and Sewer Development Engineer will assess the application and issue the s306 Notice of Requirements. Please note that as per Council's Water and Sewer Customer Service Plan - Levels of Service, the Water and Sewer Development Engineer has 20 business days to complete this assessment. 
  5. The developer/applicant must then take all the necessary steps to ensure all conditions outlined in the s307 Notice of Requirements are met as well as pay the Section 64 Developer Charges and/or additional fees required.
  6. Once the Development Engineer is satisfied that all conditions have been met. The s307 Certificate of Compliance will be issued. 


Additional Information

For more information on the s307 Certificate of Compliance process please contact Singleton Council's Water and Sewer Group on T 02 6578 7290 or via E council@singleton.nsw.gov.au 

Additional Information