Desexing your cat or dog
Council recommends you discuss desexing your pet with your local vet.
Reasons to choose to desex your pet include:
- Desexing your pet helps to control overpopulation of the species, which thereby limits the number of stray and unwanted pets roaming in the community, in pounds and shelters and killing native birds and animals
- Reduces health risks to your pet, such as diseases of the reproductive organs such as ovarian tumors, pyometra, cystic ovaries in females and testicular/prostate cancer and disorders in males
- Desexed pets are generally less likely to roam and fight - therefore reducing the chance of becoming lost or injured
- Helps to reduce territorial or dominant behaviours - spraying (urine marking) in male cats and mounting behaviours in dogs
- Eliminates heat cycles in female dogs - less likely to have strange male dogs wandering around your home and unwanted pregnancies
- Eliminates breeding season in cats - less likely to have male cats calling, spraying and fighting on your property - also prevents the occurrence of unwanted kittens
- Healthier female pets - females can suffer from physical exhaustion and nutritional deficiencies from continual breeding
Affordable desexing options
There are several organisations who work with veterinary clinics to offer financial support to pet owners who maybe in a financial predicament or receive a government pension.
National Desexing Month is held every July and the discounts for desexing generally apply to all (unless indicated otherwise). Your local veterinary clinic may also be able to provide further information on cheap desexing programs. With the financial assistance available to the public, there is no excuse for unwanted or unplanned litters.