There are people in our community who go that little bit further and give that little bit extra to inspire us all to make every day better.
Your guide to non-profit, local groups and services across the Singleton local government area.
Community sector information including population, migration, housing, trends and minority groups.
Singleton Council is committed to being a Child Safe Organisation by embedding the NSW Child Safe Standards across our organisation's culture and practices.
The DRIVE program provides a pathway for young people to achieve a driver’s licence, gain employment, and reduce the risks associated with alcohol and driving.
Singleton Council conducts Citizenship Ceremonies throughout the year.
Grant funding resources and information, grant submission assistance and partnership opportunities to ensure we can maximise the funding opportunities within the Singleton LGA.
Disaster payments, grants and financial assistance for people living in areas affected by a disaster.
Singleton is dedicated to inspiring and encouraging resilience and wellbeing throughout our community.