Disability, Accessibility and Inclusion
Singleton Council is dedicated to fostering an accessible and inclusive community. We strive to support our residents in creating an environment that promotes participation and ensures everyone feels a sense of belonging. Our goal is to eliminate barriers that hinder inclusion, allowing all individuals to thrive within our community.
People with a disability play a fundamental role in the Singleton community, contributing in countless ways to its social and economic prosperity. Yet people with a disability are also one of the most discriminated and disadvantaged groups in Australian society.
One in six people in Australia are estimated to have a disability and for Singleton, that approximately equates to 4232 people having a form of disability. Of those who have a disability, 1332 need assistance with core activities - or 5.35% of the Singleton population. In addition, the Australian Institute of Health and Wellbeing's People with Disability in Australia 2020 Report found that one in 10 people experienced disability discrimination, one in three avoided situations because of their disability and one in three of those who had challenges with mobility or communication had difficulty accessing buildings or facilities (data source: Australian Institute of Health and Wellbeing People with disability in Australia 2020 and ABS Census Data 2021).
Singleton Council is committed to reducing this discrimination and are doing so in a variety of ways.
Disability Access and Inclusion Program
Singleton Council has launched an Access and Inclusion Program aimed at addressing the barriers faced by people with a disability, proudly funded by the NSW Government's Resources for Regions Round 9. As part of this initiative, a dedicated Access and Inclusion role has been established to collaborate with the community in implementing various projects.
Our Inclusion Video Campaign
Are you interested in learning how to communicate effectively with people with a disability? Would you like to explore inclusive practices in both sports and employment? The Our Inclusion Video Campaign features Singleton residents who educate and entertain. They illustrate that by treating everyone with respect and recognising individual strengths, we can uncover opportunities that help break down barriers faced by people with a disability.
Watch all the videos here
Practical Tips on Supporting People with Disabilities
Looking for specific information that can help build your communication confidence? This practical guide provided handy hints and tips on communicating with people who may be Deaf/Hearing Impaired, have an Intellectual Disability, Vision Impaired, Autism or a Physical Disability.
Download the practical tips guide here
Council's Commitment to Disability Inclusion
In addition to the Access and Inclusion Program, Singleton Council also has a Disability Inclusion Action Plan, Home Library Service, Singleton and District Disability Advisory Committee and Rose Point Park All Abilities Playground, all of which contribute to our commitment to Access and Inclusion in the Singleton Community.
Disability Inclusion Action Plan (DIAP)
Singleton Council recognises the rights of everyone to have equal dignified access to services and facilities and is committed to working with the community to make Singleton an inclusive community for all. Council is committed to addressing identified barriers to delivery of services and facilities. The Disability Inclusion Action 2022-2026 provides actions and deliverables that will assist Singleton Council to work towards its vision of being ‘Vibrant, Progressive, Connected, Sustainable, Resilient’ and making Singleton truly accessible for all.
Disability Inclusion Action Plan 2022-2026 PDF version
Disability Inclusion Action Plan 2022-2026 Word version
The Disability Inclusion Action Plan works towards having an inclusive and accessible community for all. One way Council will address this is by improving access to community events and encourages local organisations to utilise the Singleton Event Accessibility Check List.
Home Library Service
If you find it difficult to access the library due to mobility you may be eligible for the Home Library Service. Community volunteers can deliver items to your home on the last Thursday of each month. Items available through the Home Library Service include books, large print books, audio books, DVD's CD's and magazines.
For more information about the Home Library Service, please contact Singleton Public Library.
P 02 6578 7500
E library@singleton.nsw.gov.au
Singleton Public Library is open 9am - 7pm Monday to Friday and 9am - 2pm on Saturday.
Singleton and District Disability Advisory Committee
The Singleton and District Disability Advisory Committee meets bi-monthly and advises Council on the needs of the community, and advocates for people with a disability.
If you have a concern or suggestion that you would like the committee to discuss, please contact our Customer Service Centre on T 02 6578 7290
All Abilities Playground
The award-winning All Abilities Playground at Rose Point Park has a sensory garden and interactive equipment designed to inspire the imaginations of all ages and abilities. The playground is home to a wide range of play equipment including a wheelchair accessible Liberty Swing, designated accessible parking and toilet facilities.

Other Great Disability Inclusion Resources
For additional information on this topic the below are links to other great resources: