Where a Gateway Determination has given support for a planning proposal to proceed through the Local Environmental Plan (LEP) amendment process, it will usually indicate the following in regard to public consultation:
- Any consultation required with State or Commonwealth authorities
- The community consultation required (including minimum timeframes for public exhibition) before consideration is given to the making of the proposed instrument
- Whether a public hearing is to be held into the matter
Public exhibition of the planning proposal is generally undertaken in the following manner:
- Notification in a newspaper that circulates in the area affected by the planning proposal
- Notification on Council's website
- Notification in writing to adjoining and adjacent landowners, unless the planning authority is of the opinion that the number of landowners makes it impractical to notify them.
Council can undertake additional consultation if this is deemed appropriate or necessary. This may include, but is not limited to, broad consultation by letter, workshops or public forum(s).
During the exhibition period, the following material must be made available for inspection:
- The planning proposal, in the form approved for community consultation by the Gateway determination
- The Gateway determination
- Any documentation or technical information relied upon by the planning proposal
If you would like to make a submission on an exhibited planning proposal/LEP amendment proposal, your submission should include:
- The name and address of the person(s) making the submission
- The Council file reference as identified on the exhibition notice
- A statement on whether the person(s) lodging the submission supports or objects to the LEP amendment as described by the planning proposal; and
- The reasons for the objection/support.
Submissions must relate to the planning proposal being exhibited and must not contain comments which could be considered or construed as slanderous. They must reach Singleton Council by close of business on the last day of the exhibition period and must be addressed to:
General Manager
Singleton Council
PO Box 314
E: council@singleton.nsw.gov.au
The community consultation is complete only when Council has considered any submissions made concerning the proposed LEP and the report of any public hearing into the proposed LEP.
Council can decide to conduct a public hearing into any issue associated with a LEP amendment. Where the LEP amendment is to reclassify community land, Council is obligated by the Local Government Act 1993 to hold a public hearing.
You can view any amendments to the Singleton Local Environmental Plan currently on exhibition on Council’s exhibition webpage.
You can track your application on Council’s tracking site, or alternatively you can access the NSW Department of Planning & Environment tracking system for planning proposals .
Where fees are payable to progress the proposal to the next stage in the process, such fees will be identified in the invoice issued by Council. Fees payable are determined in accordance with Council’s adopted fees and charges schedule and must be paid prior to the proposal progressing further.