Hermitage Road Pokolbin Planning Study
The Hermitage Road Pokolbin Planning Study (HRPPS) was prepared by Peter Andrews and Associates Pty Ltd and adopted by Council in 2014. The purpose of the study was to examine the minimum lot size controls of the area in view of much development having occurred in the locality on lots less than the current 40 ha minimum, and to provide strategic context in which to resolve three planning proposals in the area.
The objectives of the study are to:
- Enable continued sustainable development of the area for boutique type vineyard and other agricultural land uses of a similar or ancillary nature, including tourism development.
- Recommend suitable planning controls including land use controls and minimum lot sizes for subdivision.
- Develop a planning framework with a view to improving:
- Sustainability outcomes;
- Environmental conditions;
- Economic development and employment diversification; and
- Health, social and cultural well-being of the local community.
- Examine vineyard and other forms of development and related planning strategies and controls in Cessnock, Mudgee, Rutherglen and the Barossa.
The HRPPS concluded that there is no strategic justification for the three planning proposals located in the area. The study also details a number of matters that the respective proposals would need to address if consideration were given to permitting them to progress.
The HRPPS also concluded that the current minimum lot size of 40ha should remain, and that in order to further assist in the protection and viability of the viticultural and tourism industry that mapping of viticultural capacity, including soil mapping and scenic and landscape value, should be carried out.