Local Strategic Planning Statement
The Singleton Local Strategic Planning Statement 2041 (LSPS) has been prepared by Singleton Council and was endorsed by Council at the 20 July 2020 Singleton Council meeting.
Under Section 3.9 of the Environmental Planning and Assessment Act 1979, Councils are required to have a LSPS in place and review that LSPS at least once every seven years.
The LSPS is an overarching strategy, which outlines the twenty-year vision for land use and development for the Singleton Local Government Area (LGA). Grouped by key themes (Our People, Our Places, Our Environment and Our Economy), the LSPS outlines the planning priorities for the LGA. For each planning priority, there are strategic policy positions and actions to help deliver the twenty-year vision.
The LSPS also identifies priority planning areas, which are geographical locations and places requiring further investigation, a tailored planning response, activation or a specific management response to meet the needs of the growing population.
The LSPS has been informed by the Hunter Regional Plan 2036, the Singleton Community Strategic Plan, stakeholder consultation feedback and other relevant plans. Key local planning documents that will be informed by the LSPS include:
- The Singleton Local Environmental Plan
- The Singleton Development Control Plan
- The Singleton Local Contributions Plan
- Singleton Local Housing Strategy
Singleton Local Strategic Planning Statement 2041