Arrange a pre-lodgement meeting
We recommend applicants intending to carry out large to complex development proposals arrange a pre-lodgement meeting with us.
A pre-lodgement meeting is recommended for more complex matters and proposals to amend the LEP or DCP. During the meeting, prospective applicants and Council’s technical staff discuss the proposed development and receive feedback from Council on the technical aspects of the proposal and potential issues which may arise.
Whilst it is not mandatory to have a pre-lodgement meeting, we do find that obtaining advice early in the development of your proposal assists with the application being able to be processed more efficiently by our staff once lodged. We make every attempt to highlight all potential considerations at the pre-lodgement stage; however, during a full assessment of the application additional matters may come to light.
For additional information in relation to information to be submitted prior to your pre-lodgement meeting, please refer to Council’s Pre-Lodgement Meeting fact sheet.
To request a pre-lodgement meeting, please complete the pre-Lodgement Meeting request form and return it via email to E
Where minutes are requested, fees will be charges in accordance with Council’s Fees and Charges. Once a review of the information submitted has been undertaken, a Customer Service Officer will contact the Applicant to arrange payment.