Singleton Council and Singleton Business Chamber join forces
Published on 27 July 2021
With the Greater Sydney lockdown putting a halt on customer movements in regional areas, Singleton Council is again teaming up with Singleton Business Chamber to provide support and assistance to local businesses impacted by current travel restrictions.
Vicki Brereton, Council’s Director Organisation and Community Capacity said Council’s economic development team had rounded up information about government support packages in an easy, one-stop location on Council’s website, and was working with the Chamber to provide practical assistance with one-on-one business support programs.
A fourth round of the Business Supporting Business program, developed during last year’s COVID lockdown for businesses to apply for $250 Spend in Singleton gift cards to purchase essential business supplies from other local businesses, will also be launched in the coming weeks.
“The current COVID-19 situation and the lockdown in place across the Greater Sydney area has ramifications for local businesses here in Singleton, either through suppliers or customers physically driving through town who are now subject to stay at home orders,” Ms Brereton said.
“We recognise this is a difficult period for a lot of businesses, and we’re working to provide practical assistance to people in a range of ways, either through helping to navigate the government assistance that is available, or one-on-one support to cater to their particular needs and issues.
“The Business Supporting Business program is also a tried and tested way to support our businesses to support each other.”
Virtual one-on-one information sessions will be held on Wednesday 4 August and Wednesday 11 August for businesses to access personalised information and support.
“These one-on-one sessions will be run by a Business Facilitator from the Strengthening Business program to help people clarify what support is right for you and your business, and provide an opportunity to ask any questions you may have,” Ms Brereton said.
To book a meeting, contact Council on 02 6578 7247, book online at or visit Council’s website for more information.
For all the information about government assistance, to book a virtual one-on-one session and to stay up to date with the launch of the Business Supporting Business Program, visit W