Local Horse sport enthusiasts invited to join study into new facility

Published on 10 March 2025

Singleton Council Administration Building.jpg

Horse sports organisations and individuals with an interest in horse sports in the Singleton local government area (LGA) are being invited to submit an Expression of Interest to be involved in investigations into a community-owned horse sports facility.

Preliminary consultation is underway as part of a Singleton Council resolution passed in December last year to investigate a site or alternate site for the establishment of a Council-owned equestrian facility that all community organisations could access.

A report to the meeting had identified a location on Dyrring Road for equestrian operations to facilitate Star Club Equestrian, but Council moved instead to consider a facility with the potential to accommodate all horse sports across the LGA.

Council’s General Manager Justin Fitzpatrick-Barr said the investigation would involve three major stages:

  • Preliminary consultation with horse sport organisations and interested individuals in Singleton to get an understanding of current and future requirements for each group
  • Engagement of a consultant to undertake a feasibility study of the potential and opportunities for a horse sports facility in Singleton
  • Public exhibition and Council adoption of the findings from the study, including actions and next steps.

 “We want to start with a definitive contact list of horse sporting organisations and interested people across our LGA as part of the consultation process for a horse sports facility in Singleton,” Mr Fitzpatrick-Barr said.

“Then what we’re looking to do is develop a snapshot of the current state of horse sports in Singleton as a base for a consultant to come in and have more in-depth conversations around the needs, possible gaps and opportunities for a facility in our LGA.

“Taking all of this information into account, as well as the particular needs for horse sports like fenced spaces, stables and space for cars towing horse floats, we’ll then have a clear vision of what a horse sports facility should look like for Singleton and even whether such a facility is warranted.”

Mr Fitzpatrick-Barr said everyone on the contact list would be kept informed at every stage of the project.

“Sport and recreation are an important part of our community, and we’re very fortunate in Singleton to have a wide variety of sports available and passionate members of the community to run our sporting clubs,” he said.

“The investigation now underway into a community-owned horse sports facility in Singleton is another way Council is supporting all of our sporting clubs and the contribution they make to a vibrant, healthy and active community.”

Expressions of Interest close on 28 March 2025.

Submit and Expression of Interest


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