Drop-in to hear VPA Funding Program project ideas

Published on 10 March 2025

Mayor of Singleton Sue Moore - Bulga Community Centre.jpg

Residents of Bulga and Milbrodale are being invited to give feedback on projects proposed under the first round of the 2025 Mount Thorley Warkworth VPA Funding Program at a community drop-in session on Wednesday 19 March.

The event will be held at Bulga Community Centre from 3 – 5pm to give funding applicants a chance to showcase their project idea and gain valuable community feedback ahead of submitting their final application.

Mount Thorley Warkworth VPA Community Committee chairperson and Mayor of Singleton, Cr Sue Moore said this new step in the application process was designed to showcase to the community the potential projects.

“Community support is an important part of the application process and hasn’t always been addressed in applications,” she said.

“The drop-in session is a new initiative of the committee to give applicants the opportunity to gain that valuable feedback and gather evidence of community support which they can include in their application.

“It’s not compulsory for applicants to participate but is strongly encouraged, and they can choose how they want to present their project, whether it’s a complete presentation or a relaxed talk with residents who drop-in to the session.”

While the opportunity to apply for funding is available year-round, the VPA Community Committee assess applications twice annually.

Round one closes on Friday 28 March and successful applicants will be notified in June 2025.

Cr Moore said the VPA Funding Program provides residents, groups, and organisations with the opportunity to have their ideas for sustainable community projects that will have a positive and lasting impact in the communities of Bulga and Milbrodale funded.

“This funding program is a proactive approach to recognising the importance of mining while also minimising its impact in areas directly affected like Bulga and Milbrodale,” she said.

“We’ve seen a great number of projects supported by the VPA since it was established in 2017 and are excited to see what applicants have proposed this round.

“I’d encourage anyone with an idea for a project, whether it’s upgrading public amenities, providing a free community movie night, introducing or funding a program or service in the community, or even if you’re a sporting group in need of support, to apply for funding.”

For more information about the Mount Thorley Warkworth VPA Funding Program, project eligibility, funding parameters or to apply, go to: www.singleton.nsw.gov.au/mtwvpa