Council forced to suspend soft plastics collection
Published on 12 April 2023
Due to the suspension of the REDcycle program that has impacted major businesses across Australia, Singleton Council has been forced to cease the collection of soft plastics.
Soft plastics collections were available at Council facilities including the Administration Building, Waste Management Facility, Singleton Library and Singleton Gym + Swim, and were well-used by the community.
Justin Fitzpatrick-Barr, Council’s Director Infrastructure and Planning Services said it was disappointing, but Council was in the same predicament as other major businesses that were forced to suspend their soft plastics programs.
“The reality is that we are in the same position as every other organisation across Australia, including Coles and Woolies’, with no outlet to send our soft plastics to be recycled,” he said.
“The soft plastics collection was very popular with our residents and another great example of our community’s commitment to sustainability and the environment.
“We hope this is a short-term issue and that we can find another avenue for soft plastics recycling sooner rather than later.”
Mr Fitzpatrick-Barr said the Singleton Advocacy Agenda calls for urgent government leadership on the future of waste and recycling at the Federal and State levels.
“Council is strongly committed to driving a circular economy and sustainability generally, and is proud of the range of achievements we have made over the past few years including installing recycled plastic fencing at Howe Park, plastic street furniture and plastic wheel stops in car parks, and using recycled material to seal the car park at the Waste Management Facility,” he said.
“We are actively pursuing opportunities like these wherever possible and are willing to work closely with government and other agencies to deliver on sustainable initiatives for the benefit of our community and our environment.”
For more information about Council’s sustainability initiatives, visit Council's Sustainability Hub.