Community feedback invited to guide the future of Broke park
Published on 23 May 2022
Members of the community are being invited to help shape the future of Broke’s creekside parklands as Singleton Council undertakes a plan of management for McNamara Park, Stewart McTaggert Park and Herbert Park in Broke.
Council has engaged open space, recreation and environmental planners Gondwana Consulting to assist in developing the plan, which will guide the use, development and management of these popular park areas located along the village’s western margin.
Justin Fitzpatrick-Barr, Council’s Director Infrastructure and Planning said park users, neighbours, members of the local community and other interested people or groups are encouraged to contribute their opinions, issues or suggestions with feedback to close on Friday 18 June 2022.
Changes to Crown land legislation in NSW requires Council to prepare a plan of management as a guiding document for the management of these three adjacent areas.
“Community involvement is central to the preparation of the plan of management to ensure the plan considers and responds to community values, needs and ideas for these parks and their future use and management,” Mr Fitzpatrick-Barr said.
“There are many ways for people to contribute to the development of the plan including an on-line feedback form on Council’s website, coming along to one of two drop-in information and discussion sessions on-site in Broke or making a written submission.
“Once prepared, a draft version of the management plan will also be exhibited for public comment.”
Mr Fitzpatrick-Barr said each of the parks had a different character.
McNamara Park is an attractive semi-natural area and popular “free camping” site for short-stay travellers/tourists. It hosts the annual Smoke in Broke festival and Broke Village Fair and Vintage Car Display. The park has also been suggested as a location for the possible relocation and adaptive re-use of the historic Ravensworth Homestead.
Stewart McTaggart Park is a more developed “village park” with play equipment, a skate park (upgraded by Council in 2020), picnic shelters and barbecues set among mature trees. It is home to the monthly Broke Village Markets. and the Broke Rural Fire Brigade is stationed in the park’s south.
Herbert Park is chiefly a band of vegetation along the western side of Wollombi Brook, with a small roadside rest stop.
Drop-in sessions will be held at McNamara Park on Saturday 28 May 2022 at 9am-1pm and Stewart McTaggert Park on Friday 3 June at 10am-2pm. For more information, to make a submission or to complete the online survey, click here.