Singleton Local Environment Plan 2013
The Singleton Local Environmental Plan 2013 (SLEP 2013) applies to the Singleton Local Government Area (LGA), except for land identified by the SLEP 2013 as being the Bulga ‘Deferred Matter’ site.
The SLEP 2013 was made on the 6th September 2013 and applies to the entire Singleton Local Government Area (LGA), except for land identified by the SLEP 2013 as being the Bulga ‘Deferred Matter’ site.
Local Environmental Plans (LEPs) are a form of State legislation, created under Section 3.31 of the Environmental Planning and Assessment Act 1979. LEPs comprise written standards and maps and apply land use zones, minimum lot size requirements for subdivision, heritage conservation requirements, local development standards and the like.
The primary function of a Local Environmental Plan (LEP) is to manage land use and development by separating incompatible land uses through land use zones. Each zone has a specific set of objectives that identifies the purpose of the zone and a land use table, which describes the type of development that is permitted with consent, permitted without consent or prohibited.