Organisations that can apply must:
- Be community-based non-for-profit
- Have an ABN, or an auspicing body with an ABN
- Be based in the Singleton Local Government Area or be delivering the project in the Singleton Local Government Area
Funding will not be provided to:
- Individuals
- Schools
- Government departments
- Organisations that have not acquitted previous grant/donations from this fund
Eligible Projects
Projects for the following will be considered on their merits and community benefit.
Purchasing small items of equipment, for example:
- First aid equipment
- Equipment for use inside/outside club houses and amenities
- Sporting equipment for use by teams
Minor repairs and upgrades to buildings or grounds, for example:
- Signage, notice boards or painting
- Fences, plumbing, or electrical
Holding of events, for example:
- Events that promote participation in sport and physical activity and provide a focal point for community building and engagement e.g. a club could host a specific event/tournament. An event must be conducted on a specified day or consecutive days at a specified location.
- Events that primarily involve sporting competition or mass participation in an organised physical activity e.g. an exhibition sporting match or hosting an interstate sports carnival
Note: An event does not include regular ongoing weekly/monthly sporting competitions/activities and does not include the cost of food. The event date must be included in the application.
Strategic Planning
Funding of 100% of the cost of the project will be available to community groups wishing to prepare a Strategic Plan for their club. The plan should be endorsed by the State Sporting Organisation and adopted by the club’s committee within 12 months of receiving the funding.
Assisting with obtaining larger grants
Assistance towards planning, professional and application fees in preparing grant applications for larger projects. Funding cannot be used for projects that:
- Do not meet relevant Australian standards
- Do not have the necessary approvals, including a Permit to Undertake Work issued by Singleton Council
- Are proposed on private land, unless there is a clear public benefit to the community’s interest in sport and active recreation and there is documented consent from the land owner
- Provide little or no public access
- Have already commenced prior to the grant program closing date or cannot be completed within 12 months from the signing of the funding agreement
- Provide experiences that do not meet the definition of sport and active recreation