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14 March 2025, 12:00 AM
Singleton Council has engaged Michael White Landscape Architecture to prepare master plans for PA Heuston Apex Lookout Park in Maison Dieu and Gowrie Park in Gowrie. The purpose of the master plans are to provide recommendations and design solutions to guide future use and development, ensuring both PA Heuston Apex Lookout Park and Gowrie Park are safe, multi-functional recreation spaces that meet the community's needs.
PA Heuston Apex Lookout Park provides exceptional views of the valley floor and distant ridgelines. In its current form, it is not meeting its potential and is infrequently used due to the lack of facilities that encourage visitation and activation. The park is the starting point for the ‘Green Corps Walk’ bush trail which traverses the escarpment and descends to the Hunter River. The park is in a secluded location and is mostly accessed by vehicle.
Initial investigations suggest PA Heuston Apex Lookout Park could best serve the community as a passive social gathering space or tourist destination. The Green Corps Walk has the potential to be a high-quality nature trail that could be used regularly by locals and visitors who want to immerse themselves in nature.
Gowrie Park currently consists of a BMX track that is in poor condition. The park is well-connected via an existing cycleway, pedestrian paths and a carpark. It has good surveillance from the adjacent New England Highway and nearby residences.
Initial investigations suggest Gowrie Park has the attributes and potential to become an activated youth space with a focus on dedicated bike skills facilities such as a pump track. It is imagined complementary facilities will be included to entice youth and families to visit the park.
As part of the master plan development, we’re asking for community input to guide the master plan concept design. We encourage you to think big and provide us with your ideas on how best to upgrade the park to better serve the community by completing either, or both, of the surveys below by Friday 14 March 2025.
PA Heuston Apex Lookout Park Survey
Gowrie Park Survey
Gowrie Park Youth Workshop
Young people aged 11-23 years are invited to be part of a workshop to re-imagine the future of Gowrie Park, with a particular focus on revitalising the existing BMX track or developing a pump track.
The workshop will be held at Singleton Youth Venue on Thursday 6 March 3.45 - 4.45pm. No bookings are necessary.
Drop-In Sessions
Residents neighbouring PA Heuston Apex Lookout Park or Gowrie Park and interested people are invited to attend an on-site drop-in session to meet with Council staff and the consultant to find out more information, ask questions, or provide feedback. No bookings are necessary.
- PA Heuston Apex Lookout Park Drop-In Session: Thursday 6 March // 9am – 10am
- Gowrie Park Drop-In Session: Tuesday 4 March // 4pm – 5pm
If you’re unable to attend a drop-in session but would like to ask questions or provide feedback, please contact Michael White from Michael White Landscape Architecture on 0448 051 302.
For enquiries about the workshop, drop-in information sessions or the master plan process, please contact Council’s Customer Service team on T 02 6578 7290 or E