No longer on display. Expired on
23 April 2023, 11:59 PM
Council at its meeting of 21 March 2023 resolved to place the draft 2023/2024 Operational Plan and Create Singleton Community Engagement Strategy on public exhibition for a period of 32 days and invite community feedback.
The draft 2023/2024 Operational Plan includes 151 actions that Council will undertake to deliver on the community’s vision set out in the Create Singleton 2032 Community Strategic Plan, and also includes Council’s proposed Budget 2023/2024, Capital Works program, Revenue Policy and Fees + Charges.
The draft Create Singleton Community Engagement Strategy sets the framework for a proactive approach to ensuring all stakeholders can have meaningful involvement with Council that is inclusive, respectful, relevant, and timely.
Both documents are on public exhibition from Thursday 23 March to Sunday 23 April.
Hard copies are available at Council’s Administration Building, Singleton Visitor Information Centre, Singleton Public Library and Singleton Youth Venue.
Submissions may be made in writing to the General Manager via post to PO Box 314 Singleton NSW 2330 or email