Industry and Workforce Development Program
Delivered collaboratively with Business Singleton, regional partners and industry stakeholders, the Industry and Workforce Development Program focuses on supporting future growth of core local industries through creating a connected network of businesses to work together on workforce development, building business capacity and industry stability.
Funded through Resources for Regions Round 8, the Industry and Workforce Development program forms part of a suite of business and employment programs which will strategically support economic prosperity in Singleton now and for the future. For a full list of our business and employment programs click here.
How will this program work?
1:1 Consultation
In person, virtually or via phone – our team will engage with industry and stakeholders to hear their insights and perspectives on their local industry.
Industry Roundtables
Singleton Council and Business Singleton invite businesses from core local industries to come together for future focused roundtable discussions.
The roundtables will provide an opportunity for local industries to reconnect after a period of significant change, to proactively discuss the challenges and opportunities which have emerged for their specific industries.
The aim of each roundtable will be to provide industry with an opportunity to voice their perspectives, share ideas and work together with Council and Business Singleton on initiatives which will support industry development.
Roundtable dates:
- Construction 3 May 2023,10am - 12pm
- Agriculture 6 June 2023. 10am - 12pm
- Retail & Hospitality - Revised date 18 July 2023 10am - 12pm
- Mining Equipment and Technology Services (METS) 16 August 2023 10am - 12pm
- Health & Social Services 30 August 2023 10am - 12pm
Focus Industries
The initial focus industries for this program have been selected based on the current core industries that are strategically important to the continued evolution of Singleton’s economy.
- Agriculture
- Construction
- Health and Social Assistance
- Mining Equipment and Technology Services
- Retail and Hospitality
*An Investment Activation and Innovation program will also launch mid 2023 which businesses and emerging industries will also have an opportunity to engage with. For more information or to express your interest in being involved, please contact Karen Varker T 65787290 or E
How can I get involved?
If you belong to one of the focus industries above and would like to book a 1:1 consultation meeting, attend workshops and working group meetings for your industry consultation or would simply like to receive updates on program news and activities, register your expression of interest here.
Register your interest
Alternatively, contact Singleton Council’s Industry Development Officer Jelinda Millgate on T 02 6578 7290 or E
To receive information about business support programs, grants, upcoming opportunities and events in Singleton and across the Hunter, click here to subscribe to our monthly business email newsletter.
The Industry and Workforce Development Program is proudly funded by NSW Government Resources for Regions, in partnership between Singleton Council and Business Singleton.